FEES 2023-2024
The year consists of the autumn term and the spring term. The prices are shown in the list for one term. There are also special classes and courses happening during holidays which are paid seperately according to the instructions given about each course.
Autumn term: 14.8.-17.12.2023
Spring term: 8.1.-19.5.2024
The termly fee can be paid in 1-4 installments depending on how many classes you take in a week. You can choose how many installments you wish to pay in when registering for classes.
Our curriculum has 32 classes/year, but we arrange 2-4 classes more to enable everyone to get enough class attendances even if you have to be absent for a few classes during the year. The fees and classes also include stage rehearsals and our yearly student showcases.
You can find the times classes are not on from our calendar!
30 min lesson
160 € / lukukausi
2 erää:
3 erää:
4 erää:
á 80 €
á 53,33 €
á 40 €
eriin 2-4 lisätään 8€/lasku
45 min lesson
180 € / lukukausi
2 erää:
3 erää:
4 erää:
á 90 €
á 60 €
á 45 €
eriin 2-4 lisätään 8€/lasku
60 min lesson
210 € / lukukausi
2 erää:
3 erää:
4 erää:
á 105 €
á 70 €
á 52,50 €
eriin 2-4 lisätään 8€/lasku
75 min lesson
220 € / lukukausi
2 erää:
3 erää:
4 erää:
á 110 €
á 73,33 €
á 55 €
eriin 2-4 lisätään 8€/lasku
90 min lesson
235 € / lukukausi
2 erää:
3 erää:
4 erää:
á 117,50 €
á 78,33 €
á 58,75 €
eriin 2-4 lisätään 8€/lasku
105 min lesson
250 € / lukukausi
2 erää:
3 erää:
4 erää:
á 125 €
á 83,33 €
á 62,50 €
eriin 2-4 lisätään 8€/lasku
If you attend several classes a week the price of each class is less. You can find the prices for several weekly classes over here.
If you wish to change your installment preferences or need more time to pay please don't hesitate to contact us by email.

Tunneilla voi käydä myös kertamaksulla. 1-, 5-, 10- ja 15 kerran kertakortit ostetaan suoraan verkkokaupastamme.
Special education classes are paid by monthly installments 11 times a year from August 2023 to June 2024. The monthly payment includes all of the classes of the group and 10 private lessons in a year.
EK Valmentava
6-9 year olds
100€ / kk
EK 3
over 13year olds
195€ / kk
EK 1
9-11 year old
140€ / kk
EK Pro
over 14 year olds
210€ / kk
EK 2
over 11 year olds
175€ / kk
Price list for private lessons 2022-2023
Private lessons are booked from our booking calendar.

We recommend that all of our students join the Kaikki Tanssii Tanssinharrastajien Tuki -association. The membership fee is 10 € /person per calendar year. If a student does not wish to become a member, this must be reported separately by e-mail or in the Additional Information section in the registration form. The association's membership fee is added to the course fee ( 5 € for autumn semester and at the beginning of 2020 10 € / full year).
The association organizes all of our shows including costumes, study trips, courses, etc. As a member you can participate in various events either for free or at a reduced price. At Boutique en Avant (Albertinkatu 11, Oulu), everyone gets a 10% discount on products purchased for their own use.