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Arja Koskela

Dance Teacher (Bachelor of Arts)

Artistic director

Executive Director

Arja Koskela is the original founder and principal of the school. Arja graduated from Oulu University of Applied Sciences as a dance teacher in 2006 with a degree in classical ballet and children's dance. In addition, he has completed the International Ballet Curriculum in London 2019 (IBC-Certificate)


Over the years, several choreographies and dance works have emerged. Arja's students have moved to vocational studies and special training, e.g. To the Ballet School of the Finnish National Opera. Success has also been gained from both national and international ballet competitions and reviews.


As a teacher, Arja emphasizes the personality and qualities of each student. It is important for him to make personal contact with his students. The teaching methods are diverse and can be adapted to the situation. "Every dancer has to be skilled in their own way and the joy of dancing must be present in both rehearsals and performances."

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Ilona Biddle

Assisting teacher

Description coming soon!


Essi Hiltunen


Essi on keväällä 2023 Oulun ammattikorkeakoulusta valmistunut tanssinopettaja. Päälajina hänellä on baletti, mutta kokemusta eri tanssilajeista löytyy monipuolisesti sekä tanssinopettajaopintojen että oman treenihistorian kautta.

3-vuotiaana tanssiharrastuksen aloittanut Essi on enimmäkseen viihtynyt balettitunneilla, mutta myöhemmin mukaan on tarttunut myös show- ja nykytanssi, joista on hänelle baletin rinnalla tullut niitä omimpia ja tärkeimpiä lajeja.

Tanssiopettajan ammatti on ollut Essi lapsuuden haavemmatti, jonka parissa hän onnekseen saa nykypäivänä työskennellä. Opettajana Essille on tärkeää luoda tanssitunnille turvallinen oppimisympäristö, jonne jokainen voi tulla harjoittelemaan omana itsenään. 


Nina Niiranen

Part-time principal

TaM (2008) KM (1997), Rector's qualification (2019)


Nina graduated with a Master of Arts from the University of Lapland in 2008. She has worked as a class and subject teacher mostly in the Oulu region since 1997. She is currently a teacher at Hintta School. Nina has been dancing ballet at the Kajaani Dance Theater in the 1980s. She has later practiced e.g. flamenco and adult ballet. For the past 11 years, she has accompanied her daughters in ballet classes at Oulu Dance Academy.


Venla With


Ruut is studying to be a dance teacher at Oamk for the second year. She is from Rauma and has moved to Oulu to dance. In between classes, you can hear a few words of Rauma dialect.


Ruut has danced for years at the Turku Region Dance Institute, mostly contemporary dance and ballet.

As a teacher, Ruut is gentle and encouraging. The classes focus on technology and enjoy the joy of dancing!

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